
Since ancient times, it is thought about 1.4 billion years ago, the first cells of life (as we know it on Planet Earth) seem to have been born in the oceans, where sea water, energy and other basic elements met to magically create Life.

It is scientifically proven that sea water is the closest element to human blood in nature; it is the only liquid where white blood cells can survive outside our bodies.

The term “thalassotherapy” derives from the Greek thalassa (sea) and thérapeia (treatment) and was used for the first time in the 19th century in Brittany; however, it is believed that the potential healing properties of sea and marine climate were formerly known by the Roman, Greek and Egyptian people.

In the early 1900s, the scientist Renè Quinton cured thousands of people from pathologies such as alopecia, psoriasis, malnutrition, tuberculosis, eczema with the sole use of sea water.

And there is no doubt that each of us considerably benefits from just proximity to or immersion in sea water, all year round.

The research and experiments that we have been conducting on sea water have been going on for 3 years and we are happy to be able to offer today an extraordinary menu entirely created with the use of sea water, which appears in each of the interesting, tasty and healthy recipes you will have way to taste.

As far as we know, the first case in Italy of a restaurant that uses sea water in all the recipes on the menu, including desserts.

I thank all the staff of A Casa tu Martinu and the chef Chiara Murra who with her kitchen brigade appreciated and re-proposed her passion for sea water in a masterful and equally passionate way, with incredible results that I leave to you to evaluate.

Thank you for choosing A Casa tu Martinu for this experience that aims to go beyond nutrition and to satisfy all the senses. The main objective of the Ria Hotels group is the health and happiness of its collaborators and guests that we love to serve every day.


Angelo Ria

Human Manager Gruppo Ria Hotels

The "Cooker"


Chiara Murra
The Cooker of A Casa Tu Martinu


She defines herself as a “cooker” and every dish is for her a discovery, a journey within herself as a woman, as a mother, as a professional in love with and dedicated to her job. For two years Chiara Murra has been producing recipes for A Casa Tu Martinu, a place made of history and tradition that perfectly matches her culinary philosophy. The inspiration of the dishes, designed and made by Chiara, takes its cue from the local tradition, characterized by simple and healthy products, and from the family tradition, made of perfumes and childhood memories, too.


The first meeting with the kitchen took place thanks to the products of the land from her grandfather’s garden: zucchini, aubergines, tomatoes and vegetables of all kinds, which were on the table every day. Since childhood, curiosity and instinct have led her to discover those raw materials which are simple and delicate, and to enhance as much as possible the natural flavor. Over the years curiosity has turned into passion, the same passion that, even today, leads her to search for excellent raw materials, to experiment combinations, to discover flavors and aromas that produce new and tasty dishes.


We inform our customers that food prepared and administered here, can contain ingredients or adjuvants considered allergens. Pursuant to Reg. UE 1169/2011, we advise the kind clientele of the presence of allergens within the selection of our dishes:

  1. Cereals contain gluten, i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oat, emmer, kamut, their derivative strains and by-products.
  2. Crustaceans and products based on shellfish
  3. Eggs and by-products
  4. Fish and products based on fish
  5. Peanuts and peanut-based products
  6. Soy and soy-based products
  7. Milk and dairy products (lactose included)
  8. Fruit in shell, i.e. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew, pecan, Brazil, pistachios, macadamia nuts or Queensland nuts and their by-products.
  9. Celery and products based on celery
  10. Mustard and mustard-based products.
  11. Sesame seeds and sesame seeds-based products
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations above 10 mg/kg
  13. Lupine and lupine-based products
  14. Molluscs and products based on molluscs

The information about the presence of substances or products causing allergies or intolerances can be provided by the staff in service and you can consult the relevant documentation that will be given on request.

Cover charge: 3 €


We inform our customers that food prepared and administered here, can contain ingredients or adjuvants considered allergens. Pursuant to Reg. UE 1169/2011, we advise the kind clientele of the presence of allergens within the selection of our dishes:

  1. Cereals contain gluten, i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oat, emmer, kamut, their derivative strains and by-products.
  2. Crustaceans and products based on shellfish
  3. Eggs and by-products
  4. Fish and products based on fish
  5. Peanuts and peanut-based products
  6. Soy and soy-based products
  7. Milk and dairy products (lactose included)
  8. Fruit in shell, i.e. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew, pecan, Brazil, pistachios, macadamia nuts or Queensland nuts and their by-products.
  9. Celery and products based on celery
  10. Mustard and mustard-based products.
  11. Sesame seeds and sesame seeds-based products
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations above 10 mg/kg
  13. Lupine and lupine-based products
  14. Molluscs and products based on molluscs

The information about the presence of substances or products causing allergies or intolerances can be provided by the staff in service and you can consult the relevant documentation that will be given on request.

Wine List / Beer

Cover charge: 3 €